- Nazareth Independent School District
- ESSER III Use of Funds--Phase 2

Nazareth Independent School District
Use of ARP ESSER III Funds Plan--Phase 2
July 20, 2021
January 19, 2022 [reviewed with updates to amounts from Phase 2]
July 13, 2022 [reviewed with no changes]—public comment
January 11, 2023 [reviewed with adjustments made in Supplies & Materials]—public comment
July 12, 2023 [reviewed with no changes]--public comment
English version of Use of Funds
Spanish version of Use of Funds
The American Rescue Plan Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief is a 3-year grant program from 2020-2023.
Through ESSER III, Nazareth is eligible for $204,684 in two phases. The first phase that we first applied for is worth $136,412 which represents two-thirds of the total. Of this amount, at least 20%, or $27,282 must be dedicated to learning loss mitigation. The remaining one-third, $68,208 will be part of Phase 2.
After receiving input from staff, students, parents, and community and setting priorities to optimize the facilitation of the ESSER III Grant Program and use of funds, Nazareth ISD is proposing the following three uses:
1. Payroll* - Allowable Costs in the amount of $72,000 over the next 3 academic years will cover the costs of summer school, stipends for elementary teachers completing the Reading Academies and a one-time retention bonus for staff in recognition for their extraordinary efforts during the 2020-2021 school year.
2. Professional and Contracted Services* - Allowable costs in the amount of $17,000 over the next 3 academic school years will be used to provide allowable professional support and training for administrators, teachers, and parents by applying funds to address the academic impact of lost instructional time through the implementation of evidence-based interventions. This category includes services for addressing academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of all students, and contracted services to repair/improve indoor air quality and improvements to reduce the risk of virus transmission and environmental health hazards.
3. Supplies and Materials* - Allowable costs in the amount of $115,684 over the next 3 academic school years will be used to provide allowable supplies and researched based instructional materials for teachers and students by applying funds to address the academic impact of lost instructional time through the implementation of evidence-based interventions, technology updates that support instruction, PPE, and other supplies to mitigate learning loss. In addition, we will subscribe to a professional application platform to recruit/attract quality applicants for teacher opening.
* We surpassed the 20% minimum required set-aside funds and are dedicating $109,000 for learning loss mitigation with Phase 1
Total ESSER III Phase 1 Funds Allocated to Nazareth ISD = $204,684
July 20, 2021 [original]
January 19, 2022 [reviewed with updates to amounts from Phase 2]
July 13, 2022 [reviewed with no changes]—public comment
January 11, 2023 [reviewed with adjustments made in Supplies & Materials]—public comment
July 12, 2023 [reviewed with no changes]--public comment